From the media

Lana Cuk

Degree in Solid State Physics, 39 years of direct experience in technology transfer from public-to-the private sector.

Former researcher at the National Research Council-CNR, R&D Manager in ST Microelectronics, VP of Technology in Pirelli, Director of the Center for Materials and Microsystems at the Bruno Kessler Foundation, and Member of spin-out Committee;  BU Director at TESMEC S.p.A; Managing Director of the Inphotec Foundation.

Business Advisory Board Member at INL International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory. Advisory Board Member at the France NANOELEC (Institut de Recherche Technologique Nano-électronique de France).

Co-founder of an academic spin-out company. About 100 scientific & technological publications in referred international journals. Holder of two industrial patents.

Antonella Grassigli is Business Angel and Advisor for Start up and SMEs in Fintech, business planning & innovation, restructuring, finance. She is also a Chartered Accountant and auditor, owner of a law firm in Bologna and Milan. She began working in 1993 as a chartered accountant in an important professional firm in Bologna, which also enabled her to acquire significant restructuring and corporate turnaround skills both as a Judicial Procedures Body and as an Advisor.

In 2014 she founded the Professional Firm AIMG - I'm Innovation Manager Group - with offices in Bologna and Milan, with the ambition to support small and medium enterprises in the innovation process. Since 2016 she has been a member of Italian Angels for Growth, the largest association of Italian Business Angel, approaching the world of Angel Investing. In 2017 Antonella founds and directs Doorway, start-up Fintech, created with the aim of innovating the venture capital industry for start-ups and SMEs, which in November 2018 obtains the authorization to operate from Consob. In 2018 she was one of the founders of Angels 4 Women, the first Angels Business Club to invest in women's start-ups.

After graduating from Bologna with a degree in Economics and Commerce (1991) Antonella qualified as a Chartered Accountant (1993) and as a Legal Auditor (1999). She is a member of the Commission Concordato Preventivo ed altre soluzioni della crisi d'impresa dell'Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti di Bologna; she attends numerous specialization courses and in 2018 she obtains the diploma of Director of CDA and Statutory Auditors of Public and Private Companies, at the Master Executive of Il Sole 24 Ore Business School and are attending the eighth class of “In the Boardroom”, an executive teaching program promoted by Valore D. She is a member of NED (Non-Executive Director) Community.

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