From the media

Lana Cuk

Novac develops mouldable all-solid-state supercapacitors. A supercapacitor is an energy storage device that, compared to batteries, stores less energy but can be charged and discharged much more quickly. So it is more suitable than a battery to satisfy a rapid energy request, for this reason the two are not alternative but complementary. Unfortunately, at the moment, the supercapacitors integration into vehicles brings different problems, all caused by the presence of liquid inside them.

Novac solves these problems developing a new supercapacitors generation, completely all-solid-state, using innovative materials and procedures. Furthermore, this supercapacitor is completely mouldable. Thanks to this property it is possible to shape it onto any surface or into any volume for each different case reducing the encumbrance and easing the vehicle design.

Our vision is a future of extraordinary achievements thanks to electricity. Our mission is to create supercapacitors to be combined with batteries, to increase performance and efficiency of electric vehicles.


Highly motivated co-founders team with deep technical competences. Differentiating technology and IP, properly protected.
Broad range of applications, in different industry sectors like Automotive, Aerospace, Industrial Machinery, the company moves into a forecasted high demand and – so far – very little viable alternatives. Novac could result an enabler of a significant improvement of the mobility industry, as well as the robotic and the aerospace domain.

A newly-designed photo-active TiO2/perovskite blend that will be implemented in a prototype solar cell using high throughput, contaminant free, reproducible and up-scalable synthesis methods. The novelty of the device scheme resides in the photo-anode that is made of a blend between an advanced TiO2 sponge and a reliable perovskite material, deposited by sublimation. The process for the growth of TiO2 sponges, based on sputtering concepts, and sublimation for stable Perovskites, in a proper combination, can rise the interest of industries in view of the large dissemination of the related technologies.


Investing in Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) ranging from 3 to 5 requires a careful assessment of the potential of the technology and the team. Due to the low maturity of these projects, these projects require a de-risking process to be carried out directly at the University and Research Center. Eureka! TT S.r.l. is the Italian limited responsibility company fully owned by “Eureka! Fund I – Technology Transfer that acts on behalf of the Fund, in providing financial resources to the pre-company, Proof-of-Concept (“POC”) projects, as well as in monitoring the advancement and the results of such investments.

The resources provided by Eureka! are given to the University and Research Center, in order to develop the technology, increase TRL and support the team of the “to-be entrepreneurs” in proving their ideas are sustainable. Successful projects will be then span-out into new start-ups. Eureka! TT can effectively bridge the gap between the need for a market-driven test and a University-like environment.

The T-REM3DIE (Tendon REpair MEdical DevIcE) project deals with the development of an innovative system for tendon repair. Based on a resorbable device and a dedicated applicator, the material of the device, biocompatible and bioabsorbable, ensures both the necessary resistance in the tissue regeneration phase and the subsequent degradation of the material with predictable timing in line with the rehabilitation process. Savings in costs for the healthcare system, as well as accelerates healing for patients are the main gains of the project. Veterinary field and human are the two target markets, the first being easier to reach while the latter larger in terms of impact and value.


Investing in Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) ranging from 3 to 5 requires a careful assessment of the potential of the technology and the team. Due to the low maturity of these projects, these projects require a de-risking process to be carried out directly at the University and Research Center. Eureka! TT S.r.l. is the Italian limited responsibility company fully owned by “Eureka! Fund I – Technology Transfer that acts on behalf of the Fund, in providing financial resources to the pre-company, Proof-of-Concept (“POC”) projects, as well as in monitoring the advancement and the results of such investments.

The resources provided by Eureka! are given to the University and Research Center, in order to develop the technology, increase TRL and support the team of the “to-be entrepreneurs” in proving their ideas are sustainable. Successful projects will be then span-out into new start-ups. Eureka! TT can effectively bridge the gap between the need for a market-driven test and a University-like environment.

ACTIVE LABEL is a label, smaller than 1 cm2, on which a film containing one milligram of silicate or fluorohalide powder is applied. With ACTIVE LABEL it is possible to check whether the optimal storage temperature range has been respected during transport/storage, and thus to certify quality and safety of the packaged product, also allowing to recalculate the expiry date of the asset.

Many competitors only detect above-threshold temperatures, only by visual inspection - imprecise and subject to false positives (the temperature variation above the threshold can be even a few minutes).

The extremely low-cost solution (about €0.01), the relevant information produced and the easy read-out mechanism (even a smartphone could), make ACTIVE LABEL a key enabler in the smart-packaging field.



Investing in Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) ranging from 3 to 5 requires a careful assessment of the potential of the technology and the team. Due to the low maturity of these projects, these projects require a de-risking process to be carried out directly at the University and Research Center. Eureka! TT S.r.l. is the Italian limited responsibility company fully owned by “Eureka! Fund I – Technology Transfer that acts on behalf of the Fund, in providing financial resources to the pre-company, Proof-of-Concept (“POC”) projects, as well as in monitoring the advancement and the results of such investments.

The resources provided by Eureka! are given to the University and Research Center, in order to develop the technology, increase TRL and support the team of the “to-be entrepreneurs” in proving their ideas are sustainable. Successful projects will be then span-out into new start-ups. Eureka! TT can effectively bridge the gap between the need for a market-driven test and a University-like environment.

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